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In partnership with

I work as a partner of Metsähallitus

Book yourself or your group a guided nature excursion to a national park. We will tailor a suitable duration and package. Hiking, trekking, cycling, nature swimming, paddling, snowshoes and OAC skinbased skis.

Central Finland


Tourism cooperation in Central Finland

Palyback theatre Storia

Palyback theatre Storia will take your event to the next level.

Playback theatre is a great way to round off a party, a team day or a well-being day.

| Team Day | Training | Seminar | Graduation party | Birthday | Party | Surprise |

Jyväskylä-based Storia improvises stories and experiences through theatre. The group's director, musician and actors come where the action is. The group is at the service of the audience for the duration of the performance. Let's watch!

Storia celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2022.


There are 185,000 solo entepreneurs in Finland (2023). I am one of them. Thank you for buying from solo entepreneur.

According to the 2023 statistics, 95.5% of Finnish companies, or 423,948, have fewer than 10 employees. There are 667 large companies (0.2%).

I am a member of the association Yrittäjät ry.

